Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gettin back into it

I'm just thinkin about being a blogger again. Here's a picture I ran across today and thought I would post it.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Beginning

My life has been full of new starts, dreams dreamt with the promise of a brighter future only to be followed by disappointing failures, apathy and self hate.All my life I have dreamt of ‘what I would do', never laying the foundation to actually accomplish those dreams and that has led me to where I am today.
Of course I’ve had bright moments of success, but by and large I have cultivated the ‘appearance’ of success in one of it’s many forms which is to say I’ve lied my way to hell and back.I’ve been a every sense of the word, and now I sit and look at my life and think “why”….and “poor me”…and finally today…..”I’m going to fix this”.I believe I can fix this.
Optimism springs eternal…or is that hope?
Either way, they’re both intimately intertwined in both intent and precept.I know who I want to be. Well I have an unarticulated picture in my mind of who I want to be, who my soul feels I should be…..and this journey of a thousand and one steps, this psychological social spiritual intellectual rehabilitation begins today, with this first step:I declare to myself, all the people in my life either actively or inactively……those who I have wronged, those who’s friendship I have ruined……..I declare to the universe that my new life, the new me, begins today, right now. Today is the beginning of my new life.
I pledge to right the wrongs I have suffered all of you, including….myself, and become a better person…not the best person in the world (an unattainable goal) but the best person that “I” can be. I pledge to you my life is turned around and my journey back begins today.Today is the start of my new life.